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Re: Still Struggling and Seeking…

Re: Still Struggling and Seeking…2010-03-09T03:12:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Still Struggling and Seeking… Re: Still Struggling and Seeking…


Post count: 1

I was diagnosed about three or four years ago myself.

And when i found out i had ADHD, it kinda put things i’ve done, and my personality traits into some kind of perspective.

Up until then i pretty much just silently accepted myself as being “Kinda Slow” a “Late Bloomer.”

Friends and family have always known me as the expressive, artistic one.

Always into singing, and movies, always a “Dreamer.”

For awhile i felt i was special, kinda like i was in a class of my own, and i carried that thought around with such pride, and

every time i thought of it i’d smile because i believed i was unlike everyone around me, i was distinct, i wasn’t gonna end up in a boring job

that i dreaded every day. I was gonna become someone special who rose above the mondane existence most people end up in, you know, the day job, the stress, the bills, the responsibilities, the BOREDOM !!

And those thoughts are still with me today.

It’s just that now, i don’t feel so special.

I don’t feel like i’m heading anywhere at all.

I’m very hard on myself now, i’ll catch myself acting a certain way, which presents me as being kinda stupid, and i shut myself up thinking people are probably judging me right now cause i certainly am.

I recognize that i never finish anything i start, and although i still feel like i can do better and want too still become something more, and have a more full filling career and life, i don’t trust myself too spend the money for a course, it would probably be wasted money.

Not too mention i have no concrete idea what i would want to do, all i know is it’s gotta be fun and not boring.

Bought a self teach course in Adobe In-Design, and a mac. “Think i did the course?” Of course not. This is what i’m dealing with, and i’m sure by reading some of the other entries you can relate.

So, what am i gonna do? I don’t know where too begin.

I seem too have fallen into what i thought i’d never see myself doing the Boredom Life! The Stuck Life!

I live in Toronto and would love some advice, direction, guidance if you will, as too what i can do too get my life moving in a direction

that i’d be more happier waking up too every day. If anyone in my area reads this and can reply with some direction i would be so grateful to you.

Thanks for reading me!



P.S. As for the medication thing, i don’t take anything for this condition, rason being is i’m not comfortable with the idea of putting drugs in my body. Is there a natural remedy one can take with this condition?