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Re: Still Struggling and Seeking…

Re: Still Struggling and Seeking…2010-04-01T11:59:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Still Struggling and Seeking… Re: Still Struggling and Seeking…


Post count: 14413

leogets u, thats exactly my thinking i have had too and the same responses from others i got too.. i am also at your place of thinking now.. i start this, start that and never finish and that special feeling has gone, i often think it is a rsult of the criticism i continuoisly got form others, highlightin how i am all the time and seein my traits as all negative-all my adhd traits that is.. also never being able to finish anythin epacts on my depression.. i am still on strattera and recently felt suicidal again so have had my anitdepressant incresed to see if it helps if it dont then i will give up stratteram, i am glad to have tried them thoug as it has made me realise the extent that adhd bein untreated via meds and therepy has sent me on a verry dark downward spriral, i relaly do hope the special feeling comes back, though it does feel so far behind me now and i struggle so much, i agrre though that we have one life and there is no harm in tryin to get the best opportumity even if it does mean takin prescribed medication, i know i would not be here now if i hadnt treid them, it may sound bleak but thats were my frustration and deprression of how i am takes me. so if medication gives me a chance of tryin to gain some sort of chance in life and do the things i want to do , like complete thins i start and interpesronal relationshiips then i am verry to glad to have been diagnosed and given medication abnd therepy for it.. i wish i saw more positives abiut strattera though!!!