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Re: stimulants and intolerable insomnia

Re: stimulants and intolerable insomnia2011-11-03T23:46:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General stimulants and intolerable insomnia Re: stimulants and intolerable insomnia


Post count: 14413

Thanks no dopamine!

I saw the sleep doc today and it was a good experience. I have been sleeping pretty well the last week due to increased sleep meds so I was worried he would tell me that I don’t have a problem, but he was very thorough and took me very seriously. He took a look at sleep graph (talked about in my other sleep thread).


and immediately saw that I have a legitimate (ie more than “night owl”) delayed phase sleep syndrome. a month and a half of bedtimes graphed. ranged between 11pm and 6am. only two 11pms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_sleep_phase_syndrome

not awesome news as this is difficult to treat.

I also most likely have periodic leg sleep movements. He said that he does not usually treat this unless restless leg syndrome is involved. and for me, i do not have RLS.

first steps.. are for me to sit outside in the sun for 10-15 minutes before doing anything to wake myself up. going to wear sunglasses at night to tell my brain it is sleepy. exercise 3-4 hours before bedtime.

he told me to buy this book: http://www.amazon.com/More-Sleepless-Nights-Peter-Hauri/dp/0471149047/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

He told me that he studied under these principles. i forget whether he had said that he either trained under these principles or under this guy??? But the guy I saw is accredited by numerous sleep organizations.

friend here to walk… bye bye…