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Re: Strattera advice please

Re: Strattera advice please2011-03-02T21:01:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Strattera advice please Re: Strattera advice please


Post count: 14413

hahaha no turbo, not quite- those suckers are jacked up with industrial winches and corsetry. :P

i eventually turned into a pissy psycho-beyatch girlfriend from hell with seething fury and the desperate urge to throw everything that irritated her at everybody who irritated her (hairstraighteners, cats, dishes, boyfriends, petsmart employees, etc) while enthusiastically hurling a torrent of quite graphic and colourful expletives around, on 80mg strattera, so on friday i told the doctors receptionist that i was cutting back to 60mg. and 2 days later i started finding myself to be dramatically less nuts, which i expect is much nicer for pretty much everybody- the bf still has his head down and his mouth firmly closed though, which is a mixed blessing.

i do like the de-fogging effect of the strattera (i noticed that i was leaning casually against a brick wall the other day, watching some sparrows in a parking lot, enjoying the sunshine and the cold and the quiet and being wrapped up in a big coat while i waited for a ride home- kinda ‘in the zone’ feelings wise- i’ve never done that before without a lot of noise in my head and restlessless about my person) but not enough to put up with being really dizzy a lot of the time (being able to move without feeling like you may hurl or fall over is useful), and still having fidgety bouncy legs when i’m sitting (the noise from which reverberates through the floor and annoys people watching tv downstairs) and still fighting with a bit of a ditzy streak. so when the shrink comes back from his vacation i’m gonna ask again about having a go on the stimulants.