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Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.

Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.2011-11-09T13:39:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me. Re: Successful ADDers annoy the h*ll out of me.


Post count: 913

Wow, sdwa…… you expressed a lot of good stuff there. Yeah, I can relate.

Again – there are not only different TYPES of ADHD, there are different severities, different levels, and behind that, there are different things that can go along with it that some people have, others do not. Anxiety impacts a lot of ADD folks, but then again, many don’t suffer from that as well. There are as many types and combinations of possibilities as there are people – or so it would seem, because there is a real human, a real personality behind every ADD diagnosis. Can’t lump them all together any more than you can lump all non-ADD people together. So if we don’t lump all humans together, why do many seem to think that because they got lucky, or their personality and circumstances allowed them to be successful with, even benefit from, ADD, that we all should or can?

Now that I finally know what it is, how bad I have it, and now know the OTHER things I have – personality traits, social anxiety and some other stuff – I can deal with what I can deal with, live with the rest, understand it, and know I’m doing the best I can.

Some call me successful, and in many ways I am because I have survived it thus far and as badly as I have it…….. but me, I know what my real potential is, or was, and I guess that part still sort of bothers me. but I’m going to strive more than ever to accomplish now that I have some tools (including this forum and a great neuropsychologist who really wants to help me), and some friends – including those here.

Hey, I’m a great mechanic, can restore cars and parts to perfection, am an excellent trouble-shooter, won contests. My 1970 Javelin SST has won a first place trophy in its class 4 years in a row at an all AMC event.

So why can’t all of you do what I’ve done?

Yeah, that’s why I don’t care for the “if I can do this…..I was a great success” thing – I know what I know, but also respect others for what they know and can do. I appreciate the diverse abilities and although my ADHD makes me frustrated with others who don’t understand some things – when I REALLY think past that, I truly, as a human, am happy for the differences and the fact that not all can do what I do, and appreciate those who can do the many many things I could never do.

Our janitor at work thinks he’s not a worth-while employee, always belittles himself, but I nailed him in a class one time and in front of everyone told him how important he really was, and how much all of us appreciated his hard work and dedication to doing the best that he could and suggested he never again believe he wasn’t important. (to which there was some applause)