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Re: Survival in an ADD relationship…

Re: Survival in an ADD relationship…2012-09-18T01:07:07+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer Survival in an ADD relationship… Re: Survival in an ADD relationship…


Post count: 445

Sobering stats. And that’s why some of us have a hard time calling AD(H)D a gift.

Still, I find it hard to believe that at some point in their academic careers, 46% of AD(H)D kids are expelled from school. Suspended for a day or two MAYBE, but expelled?? That is brutal. If this research was done in 1990, the study surely would have excluded many ADD kids, because most parents at that point were not seeking diagnoses. Few people even knew what AD(H)D is. That would mean perhaps that only the SEVERE cases would have shown up on the radar to be counted. And that would have skewed the numbers.