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Re: Sweating Bucketloads on Wellbutrin- looking for solutions/alternatives

Re: Sweating Bucketloads on Wellbutrin- looking for solutions/alternatives2011-10-05T02:47:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Antidepressants Sweating Bucketloads on Wellbutrin- looking for solutions/alternatives Re: Sweating Bucketloads on Wellbutrin- looking for solutions/alternatives


Post count: 14413

i’m in ontario, so i can relate, Tea. still beats the system back home (the UK) by MILES though. :P

it’s sort of to be expected that when you stop taking a medication that messes with your brain chemistry, there are likely going to be a few transitional effects while your body gets used to it- i was alright this time around- you might find that you feel fine. :)

i like straterra. it’s just not enough on it’s own for me, complicated little packle that i seem to be. :D

did you watch any of the videos yet? they’re pretty good. you might also look at ADHD charities and support groups online. i think that there is supposed to be a jewish advocacy group in toronto that does assessments (not just for jewish peeps- either low cost, or for free) … maybe there is a charity near you that can help you out?