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Re: Tactile issues

Re: Tactile issues2010-12-11T07:05:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Tactile issues Re: Tactile issues


Post count: 14413

yup………..as someoen said somewhere in here, I am now home….lol!! I fidgit till I drive my boyfreind crazy in bed!! Flipping my pillows to the cool side…….flexing and stretching my legs all the time……………at my age I get hot and cold faster than I cae to remember….so its foot in and out of the bed covers…………I have to brush down the inside of the bed to remove and debris, or anything , including darn cat hair, that just drives me nuts………crinkles under my body are like I am lying on a rocky outcrop waiting for me to attack it to attempt to smooth it…..lol!!! The worst thing is my boyfreind is also ADD, and so is my youngest daughter, and perhaps my grand daughter, and we all live in the same house…..god help us!!!