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Tactile issues

Tactile issues2010-09-14T03:44:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Tactile issues

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    Post count: 14413

    So, this is my first day visiting this website. And guess what…this is officially the first post I’ve read. Wow. Tactile issues – right there! Yup, I’m “at home” here. :P LOL. Hi ya’ll!


    Post count: 173

    I have a good sense of smell in general, but sometimes when I’m having an allergic reaction, my sense of smell will become hypersensitive. I remember this one time when I was in a park and the smell of the grass was so completely overpowering that I had to leave.

    MerryMac: I know what you mean about Vinyl. The offgassing is horrible. Try getting shower curtains from IKEA they’re made from a different material.

    I don’t tend to have sleep issues. I can sleep just about anywhere, through just about anything. I remember one time when I was a kid at summer camp, I was on an overnight hiking trip on the Bruce trail. During the night there was a violent thunderstorm, and half my tent fell down. I slept right on through it.


    Post count: 14413

    Does anyone hate the tag on a T-shirt or sweater rubbing the back of their neck if it’s turned up and all scratchy? It drives me crazy. Sometimes, I’ll give the top away rather than dealing with it.

    I also have a good sense of smell. I can enter a house that has mold or mildue in it, and I can smell it right away and have to get out of there. I’m highly allergic to it so maybe that’s part of it too, although others can go into the same house and not smell a thing.

    Also, when I get ready for bed, I have to have any lights in the room, such as the neon light on the clock, or the multi-coloured night light, either covered up or turned away from me so I can’t see them. I like the room to be completely dark with all the curtains closed so no streetlight is shining in either. Then I have a special soft pillow that I turn over a few times, and punch, to get the right shape so my head is at the right height and comfortable. The pillow thing sometimes takes several adjustments before I get it right. I also need the covers pulled up one at a time and folded over, as if you were making the bed except you’re in it. My face can’t be covered or touching covers at all. If it touches the covers I have to rearrange the pillow, etc. and go through the same ritual again. I also have a fan on my night table, that blows in my face all night, but if I get too far away from it and can’t feel the cool air I’ll wake up and readjust my sleeping position with all of the above, etc. again. If this fixation is not a sign of ADHD, I’m euchred.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    I know what you mean about garment labels, and complete darkness in the bedroom. I quite like the damp smell of mildewed stone, though. I think it’s because my grandparents’ basement smelled like that, and I used to love staying at their house for a week in the summer. I remember being on family trips to Europe when I was a kid, and touring the crypts under old churches, and really creeping out the people around us when I said that I loved the smell in there.

    There are some sounds which I cannot stand. Crunching, slurping, & chewing—in person, and (even more annoying) in TV shows, movies, and commercials. Repetitive sounds—Why, oh why, do some commercials have soundtracks that consist of the same 3 notes, repeated for the entire 30 or 60 seconds? And the Time Signal has always terrified me. There are also certain chords and chord progressions which make me feel extremely uneasy—for example, those in the theme from “The Red Violin”.

    I am also extremely sensitive to repetitive, throbbing mega-bass sounds. The kind that make windows and walls and my own body vibrate along with them. I feel these sounds, and they are painful at a visceral level. This is why I do not frequent nightclubs.

    Tonight, I discovered (the hard way) that the show that’s just opened in the theatre where I work, plays loud, repetitive, throbbing mega-bass sounds in the house for the entire 30 minutes before the show starts, and for the entire 20-minute intermission. My hands are aching from being clenched behind my back tonight, because if I hadn’t had the self-inflicted pain to concentrate on, I’d have stormed over to the sound board and demanded that the technician make it stop. Which probably wouldn’t have gone over very well.

    After the show, I had to explain the situation to my manager, and ask that I please only work lobby shifts, instead of rotating through all the in-house positions, as is usual for ushers. I hate having to ask for this special treatment, especially because the show is quite fascinating, and I’d like to see it more than once. But I cannot tolerate being subjected to the auditory equivalent of the Chinese Water Torture again!


    Post count: 14413

    Along with the tactile proplems do you have the restless limb or legs problems and also at time it almost hurts to be touched?


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    I find it tremendously difficult to sit for even a few minutes without having to keep bouncing one or both of my legs.

    I’m not a touchy-feely person, but not to the extent that it almost seems to hurt. For me, it’s more of a feeling of complete revulsion.


    Post count: 14413

    Sounds at night (especially my cat purring) can keep me up for hours. When I had insomnia, I finally got ear plugs and that worked so well — that it became an addiction. I didn’t want to take them out for awhile in the morning, then for most of the day and eventually even considered wearing them at work… I managed to stop using them.


    Post count: 173

    For people who have issues with scratchy sweaters, Mark’s Workwarehouse has these sweaters that are *SOOOOO* soft. They’re the softest cotton sweaters I have ever owned.

    What’s more, they’re on sale right now. :)

    Oh, and they can even go in the dryer!


    Post count: 14413

    I married a man who had a comforter that was striped. I had to have the stripes running parallel to my body or it drove me crazy. I am just too damn sensitive!


    Post count: 14413

    socks. i can’t stand wrinkled socks. i never could. i can remember my mom getting annoyed when i was very very small because i pulled my socks so tight – so they wouldn’t be wrinkled. she had to cut out my tags too, altho mostly they don’t bother me now -but they are made of softer stuff these days. my tactile issues are worse on some days and not so bad on others. somedays i have a hard time getting dressed because ill put something on and i just can’t stand the way it feels and i have to change.

    i also have trouble with people randomly touching me – like when you’re working at the computer and someone lays a hand on your shoulder? i CRINGE, and then people get mad and say they were only being friendly and that i shouldn’t over-react like that. just about any unexpected touch makes me stiffen up – i have to consciously relax and remind myself they didn’t know that it bothers me.

    and i can’t stand crunching/chewing noises either. i have some very understanding friends who have learned that i’m not just being annoying on purpose, that it really DOES make me sick to my stomach. i thought that was only me tho….my grandfather lived with us for a while and he slurped and i always thought i gotten overly sensitive from that. i never connected it to the ADD – i’m glad it effects other people too, altho i don’t mean that like it sounds :)


    Post count: 14413

    yup………..as someoen said somewhere in here, I am now home….lol!! I fidgit till I drive my boyfreind crazy in bed!! Flipping my pillows to the cool side…….flexing and stretching my legs all the time……………at my age I get hot and cold faster than I cae to remember….so its foot in and out of the bed covers…………I have to brush down the inside of the bed to remove and debris, or anything , including darn cat hair, that just drives me nuts………crinkles under my body are like I am lying on a rocky outcrop waiting for me to attack it to attempt to smooth it…..lol!!! The worst thing is my boyfreind is also ADD, and so is my youngest daughter, and perhaps my grand daughter, and we all live in the same house…..god help us!!!


    Post count: 913

    Normal touching is fine – in fact I love hugs and hand-holding, carressing (sp) – but itchy clothes – sweaters drive me nuts. Socks must be 100% cotton, same for shirts. I prefer denim jeans – have trouble wearing anything else.

    At night, gotta be cotton sheets. I can’t wear a shirt, etc on my top as my arm pit area goes nuts if there’s a seam or any bump or wrinkle. When it’s REALLY cold I start out fully covered to be warm, only 10 minutes later to jump up and rip off my shirt and socks as they are driving me nuts. I turn over a LOT at night, I mean a LOT.

    My legs sometimes just want to get up and run – sitting for long times drives me bonkers.

    And I can’t keep my hands still sometimes.

    Sounds at night generally aren’t too bad – Punkin likes to lay up by my head, facing me. Sometimes he reaches out to push on me as if to see if I’m still alive.

    Yawnie (cat in the pic here) has just recently taken to laying on my FACE. I sleep on my side (can’t possibly sleep on my back, my throat closes up) so there I am on my side, Yawnie jumps up, and lays with half his body on the side of my face. (He’s a very emotional cat according to the vet and we find he needs people contact, has an intense need to be hugged and held and made over.) So, lately the bedroom door is closed to keep the cats off the bed. Best sleep I’ve had in years.

    Wow, this threat sure hits home! Glad I stumbled onto it……


    Post count: 14413

    Wow! I see myself in each of these posts!!

    My feet are ultra-senstive. It is literally PAINFUL to have them touched.

    I am also super-anal about clothes. I buy more based on how clothes feel than how they look. I can’t tell you how many shirts I have purchased based on walking by and touching it and goin “Ooooh, soft!”

    My blankets have to be just so. i have to have MY blanket (super soft down comforter) and it has to be tucked in around me just right. I can’t stand there to be wrinkles in the sheets, or god forbid there is a crumb in the bed!


    Post count: 913

    It’s the prince and the pea syndrome for me.

    OTOH, I have slept in the back of my pickup before……… but usually not for more than a night or two.


    Post count: 14413

    This this this.

    When I was a little girl I always had to wear my socks inside out because the seams on the toes bothered me too much if I wore them properly.

    …That was actually one of the things my mom read about that convinced her to take me to the doctor about it when I was in high school. xD

    Sleeves and socks are still worst for me.

    every now and then I still wake up upside down or in an entirely different position than I fell asleep in.

    … when I was younger sometimes I’d wake up on the floor.

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