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Re: The Mysterious Rules of the Friendship Game

Re: The Mysterious Rules of the Friendship Game2012-03-12T02:40:58+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I Don't Get People The Mysterious Rules of the Friendship Game Re: The Mysterious Rules of the Friendship Game


Post count: 363

The best friendships are ones where I don’t have to force anything to discover that I’m in a friendship. If it just kind of flows. But often they end up feeling very one-sided, where I’m giving and listening, and the other person is taking and talking, and I get tired. I’ve had friendships that I let fall off the map because they were too much work. Really don’t like getting into heavy emotional territory with people…prefer relationships that are about shared interests and not so much about personal internal stuff…looking out at an external thing and NOT looking at each other. Otherwise for me there is too much room for a co-dependent weirdness. Maybe it’s superficial but it’s more comfortable.