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Re: The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA

Re: The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA2011-01-21T20:39:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Hyperfocusing The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA Re: The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA


Post count: 14413

Oh man, that is so me. I am currently feeling like I’ve been run over by a truck due to a hyperfocus binge. On Wednesday night I was doing something on the computer, brain awake and buzzing, and ended up staying all night building a website for hours. The next day I didn’t even feel tired. After 40 hours straight of being up doing stuff I was sure I’d be able to sleep like a dead person last night, but I had a terrible sleep. My body feels totally wrecked from lack of sleep. I’ve gotta sleep tonight or I’m gonna keel over.