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Re: The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA

Re: The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA2010-08-19T21:19:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Hyperfocusing The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA Re: The Sixty-hour hyperfocus COMA


Post count: 18

Youtube…..Youtube all night long. Going from one video to another and often forgetting where or why I started. I also noticed this when I would get lost in editing a video. I could go hours without eating, without showering….and not even notice that 9 or 10 or 12 hours has just slipped away. And why parting from such a roll could be so diffucult. “Mark come get your food…..Mark your food is getting cold….Mark your food is cold now, I’m not reheating it for you…..Mark…I’m shipping your food to Ethiopia….. Mark?!?!!?!?”