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Re: The struggle to maintain friendships…

Re: The struggle to maintain friendships…2012-09-24T05:04:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? The struggle to maintain friendships… Re: The struggle to maintain friendships…


Post count: 146

Goes to show we are not stupid people.

Allan Wallace – Glad your here welcome aboard. I’ve read a few of your posts. I too really bashed myself for a lot of shortcomings. It takes some time but I hope you will start to get more in touch with the good parts of yourself. I know after being diagnosed at first I was excited about an answer then I just got really pissed off for several months. Then it got better. And it’s getting easier thanks to a lot of insight form the people on this site sharing their struggles and good stuff as well.

I’m really jumping around the forums tonight. Better go to sleep now. New job in the morning to go to.