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Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed

Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed2010-11-11T15:23:14+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed


Post count: 546

I have had all those thoughts, yes very dark ones i ofen think the world does not need me and my family would be beter off with out me . i think the only reasons i have not done or tryed to kill myaelf is i dont like how people speak of people that kill themselves and knowing me the way I do I would probobly do that wrong to. so then fear also comes into it for some reson. I like how open and honest i can be about my feelings or worried about what you all think of me. and yes i have low selfesem isusse. it seems my two sons also have this problem. i guess its in the dna. the sad thing is i can not help myself how do i help them. and then it is all to overwellming. thanks for letting me rant. sorry for the downer.