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Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed

Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed2010-11-26T15:34:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed Re: The Walking Lonliness of the Nearly Departed


Post count: 173

Trashman, I can’t imagine how hard it would be to receive that sort of news. Please, don’t let it define you. The IQ test measures a very narrow definition of human intelligence, and was based on a lot of assumptions about how the human mind works. As a matter of fact, the original test that the IQ test was based on, the Binnet test, was intended to determine a child’s strengths and weaknesses so that they could receive help in their areas of need.

Did your Doctor give you any sort of written report? If you didn’t understand what they were telling you (which is entirely understandable, given that they just dropped a bombshell on you) would looking at the report help?