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Re: Theory About Weather Changes and “Down” days

Re: Theory About Weather Changes and “Down” days2012-06-10T10:43:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Theory About Weather Changes and "Down" days Re: Theory About Weather Changes and “Down” days


Post count: 14413

The weather has been miserable all day – thankfully! Because I had a university assignment due and would never be able to sit indoors and focus on it if the sun was out. I’d be daydreaming about what I could be doing instead. So it’s all done and submitted a whole day early – big achievement for me! Now with a big storm raging outside I’ve had a warm bath, put on my PJs and Ugg Boots and plan on lying on the couch to watch a BBC period drama on TV….and the kids are with their dad tonight – bliss!