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Re: Therapist

Re: Therapist2010-01-14T20:10:56+00:00

Post count: 14413

In Ontario Canada, OHIP government health insurance covers psychiatrist visits, but not psychologists. Not reasonable, but that’s another discussion entirely. In Ottawa I found a psychiatrist who is comfortable with all the adult ADD issues, a great listener and a proactive advisor. This is a very lucky thing for me, because outside of Toronto there aren’t many of the group sessions/coaching groups etc. that really help with medication to make things start to come together.

I’m still afraid to tell this psychiatrist the whole long story of stuff I need to deal with (don’t want to scare him out of the business – he’s rare!) but we continue to work together to sort out some of my life messes – long life, lots of messes – and I hope other people in the area are aware of him. I also hope that readers understand that for adults who have just been diagnosed, it’s going to take a little time to recognize results. The good news is, that instead of feeling any kind of drugged-up sensation, you really have to look at a bit of history to see what changes have taken place, and how the “new” you responds differently to situations than your old self did. Otherwise, you’d never realize any change was happening. Mostly, the effect of the medication is transparent. You have to think about results to know the difference.

If you’re in Ottawa or thereabouts, Dr. Sam Krane (if you need it, he is MD, FRCP (C)) really understands the issues – you need a referral from a family doctor to see him. He is at 88 Centrepointe Drive.

Good luck!