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Re: They DO NOT GET IT….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: They DO NOT GET IT….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2011-01-19T16:35:42+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Other They DO NOT GET IT….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Re: They DO NOT GET IT….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Post count: 14413

Thanks guys for the needed pep talk.

I know that we/ I have special gifts that are hard to come by and the key is to finding that ‘special’ place environment to put them to good use without all the bullshit, jealousy, and restraints.

The hard part is finding that place.

I know that I need someplace where I am not racing after a time clock to punch in, I have competent support staff around me to delegate work to so that projects actually get completed. I need to be with others that want to be ‘cutting edge’ and helping to improve the medicine (leukemia/lymphoma, HIV/AIDS) and the technology. The perfect job is when I was at Cook County Hospital but the rug got ripped out from under my Director and me when County politics changed in early 2007. I got to help the indigent, saw rare forms of L/L, the most advanced lab in the area, a test and beta site for a manufacturer (we helped develop the new instruments, software, and procedures).

After a week of being possessed to scour the internet to find another job, it finally dawned on me that I have to get me back in mental and physical order. Right now I would not do myself or anyone else justice as an employee. Plus I would probably have a difficult time getting hired with my mental state.

I have been trying for years to start working out again – well now I will use every mind-game and ounce of will power I can muster to start exercising again.

I think that I should switch Psychiatrists, does anyone know of an Adult ADD Psychiatrist in the Chicagoland area?

Thank you for the words that have meaning and substance behind them!