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Re: This is going to take more than super glue…

Re: This is going to take more than super glue…2010-04-28T05:11:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad This is going to take more than super glue… Re: This is going to take more than super glue…


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

Ah, the long dark night of the university student, frantically trying to meet a deadline… I remember it well.

Try chocolate. Good quality chocolate, like Lindor or Godiva. It really does help. I’ve also found that an hour or so spent watching old comedy films, especially ones that are more physical than verbal, is a fabulous escape. Just don’t let it last so long that it keeps you from eventually getting back to your studies or work.

If you haven’t already done so, let your prof know that you won’t be able to make the deadline. And be sure to advise him/her that you have ADHD, which really makes it difficult for you to function. And go and talk with Student Services and/or your faculty, about getting more help with it.

You’re making a wise decision to reduce and stretch out your course load for next year. Just remember that it’s a classic ADHD trait to take on too much, in the heat of enthusiasm. And to not ask for help, even though it’s clear to others that we need it.

(hugs & chocolate)