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Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD

Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD2010-12-09T20:14:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD


Post count: 14413

To continue in the direction of songs that really resonate with me and possibly others whose brains are hot-wired like mine, I’ll periodically post the song(s) that have really inspired me or threw some light on an unexamined idea or belief. Anyone reading this should also feel free to contribute a song or two that has helped them cope or has uplifted them or has just gotten them through a rough patch. I think this could be really beneficial, because as we all know sometimes an idea must be beaten into our thick skulls in every way imaginable before we fully absorb it. Sometimes a song comes along and gets you where you belong.

The song that first comes to mind is “Staple It Together” by Jack Johnson

If you don’t know the song then read these lyrics and see if this sparks you.

Its really

Too bad

He became a prisoner of his own past

He stabbed the moment in the back

With the round thumbtack

That held up the list of things he gotta do

Its really,

No good

He’s moving on before he understood

He shot the future in the foot with every step he took

From the places that he’s been cause he forgot to look

Better staple it together and call it bad weather

Staple it together and call it bad weather

Mm hmm

Well I guess you could say

That he don’t even know where to begin

Cause he looked both ways but he was so afraid

Digging deep into the ditch

With every chance he missed

And the mess he made

Cause hate is such a strong word

And every brick he laid

A mistake they say

That his walls are getting taller

His world is getting smaller

Better staple it together and call it bad weather

Staple it together and call it bad weather

Mm hmm
