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Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD

Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD2010-12-10T02:00:57+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD


Post count: 14413

OK – so I am NOT the only one who can delve into deep suicidal depression for absolutely no reason? That is good to know. I will learn to be easier on myself. The thing that works for me in relieving the depression is to focus on anything nature related. Sitting outside and watching the birds, going for a hike with my dog, even just walking out my door and smelling the fresh air. Yep, it’s actually as simple as that. Don’t get me wrong, I love my music too, but I’m more of a classical music person. I also like new agey kind of stuff too – anything without words. It’s too hard for me to concentrate on the words and try to listen to the music too. Maybe that will improve when I get on a drug therapy. Liner notes help — and I must admit, there are some phenomenal lyrics out there! Oh, and BTW, I am gonna use that awww thing….LOL!