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Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD

Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD2010-12-10T03:58:54+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD


Post count: 14413

I m pretty good at morbid self reflection. It’s mostly about my job. I have spent too much time covering my ass and wondering when the next shoe will drop. I’m trying to live this life day by day…sometimes minute my minute. I’m using organizational tools now and taking medication for the first time since I was about 11. These days, I try to live by one of the acronyms one of my old drill sergeants in the army used to say when things went to crap around him…FIDO…”F-it, Drive ON!