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Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD

Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD2010-12-12T02:56:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD


Post count: 14413

I have two ways I cheer myself up: for one, I have a whole section in my YouTube account dedicated to comedy…everything from laughing babies to tv bloopers to goofballs doing boneheaded things around someone with a camera :P The other one is also music… putting on “feel good” stuff. For me, oldies work a lot, and some good old 80’s rock too.

Steve Winwood’s “Roll With It Baby” could not sum up my ADD life any better ;)