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Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD

Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD2010-12-07T04:11:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD Re: To Err Is Human, To Dwell On It Is ADD


Post count: 140

Dude, I hear you. It’s comforting to know there are other people out there who spend as much energy as I do trying to outrun torturous thoughts. When I first heard the storyline of the film “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” I thought the premise was absolutely made for me. I’d give anything to undergo selective memory erasure.

Another awesome song for car-driving away blues is “Drift away” by Dobie Gray. (Remember that one?) Equivalent for us women to the “Aawww…” sound you guys like is being wrapped in that warm and protective big-brotherly kind of bear hug, the one that isn’t done because the guy was trying to get some action but because he just wanted to love you up and be all supportive. (Makes women melt. Get it right and the action will usually come to you next time.)