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Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something

Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something2010-03-28T17:56:02+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

I had a similar grocery-related disaster a few months ago. I was unpacking my bundle-buggy (which has a large drawstring pouch instead of the usual open rectangular basket), and I discovered a package of bacon from the previous week’s grocery shopping. There it was, in the very bottom of the pouch, festering away. Not only had I missed it the week before, but I’d also missed it when I was packing the current week’s groceries into the pouch. (Ewww…)

It could be worse, though. My mom is a hoarder, stocking up on ridiculous quantities of food items just because they’re on sale. You wouldn’t believe the stuff in her larder, and she does like to share it with us. For example, she always gives me and my brother what we call “Merry Toilet Paper” for Christmas: those huge 24-roll packs—in addition to our other presents. One Christmas, she gave me a bottle of salad dressing with a Best Before date of 07/89. The trouble was, it was Christmas, 2005! (Ewwwwwwww!!!!!)

But at least I got a good story out of it!