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Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something

Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something2010-04-07T15:00:14+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something


Post count: 14413

This might just be me, but I’m really good at building shelves and re-organizing messy closets. Only to have my entire system fall apart within a few months.

I built an outstanding shelving system in my garage to organize my tools, chemicals, paint, etc. It was a work of art. Within one summer I had crammed so much crap into them that nobody could find anything (of course I know where everything is). Even the floor of the garage below the shelves is piled up to where I can’t even STAND closer than two feet away from them.

I broke a garage door saturday. I was looking for something in the garage, had to move a 6′ ladder out of the way and leaned it up against the doorway. My wife (the compulsive one who can not tolerate leaving the garage door up for even a few minutes) looked outside, instinctively hit the button, the door came crashing down and didn’t reverse when it hit the obstruction like it was supposed to.

I could blame her for not looking first. I could blame the door manufacturer for their safety mechanism not working properly. Or I can blame myself for keeping such a sloppy garage.

Another topic for discussion is ADD + OCD is probably a bad match.