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Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something

Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something2010-04-07T15:19:27+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something Re: Took me long enough to figure this out! Thought maybe I was stupid or something


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

@DogFather: See Videos/Bill’s ADDventures/If Bill Had a Hammer.

My mom broke the garage door 3 times. Two of them were partly due to the repairman’s failure to properly fix the door.

My dad may claim to need everything all neat and ship-shape (he races a boat), but you can’t walk to the back of the garage, becuse it’s so filled with stuff, and half of it is his. The other half is my mom’s, and includes all our old toys and clothes (which, someday, when my brother gets married and has kids, will go to his kids), preserving jars (unused for the past 15 years), gift-wrapping supplies, and other junk.

I have my own “garage story”. When I was taking driving lessons, Mom would let me back the car out of the garage every morning, before she drove us to high school. One morning, I felt a slight bump as I backed out. Then, I saw my brother jumping up and down and screaming & swearing. My first thought was, “Oh my god! I drove over his foot!” Then I saw him hold up his schoolbag. It had a large tire track on it, and it was dripping something. I’d driven over his schoolbag, and I’d burst the juice box that was in his lunchbag that was in his schoolbag.

Between that and the unfortunate incident with the flagpole, not to mention having the tester scream, “STOP!” and hit the brakes when I was about to make a left turn into the path of an oncoming car, I came to the realization that the world would be a much safer place if I weren’t a driver.