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Re: Tool for the Digital person… (I hope im putting this in the right place)

Re: Tool for the Digital person… (I hope im putting this in the right place)2012-09-27T21:07:46+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Organizing & De-Cluttering Tool for the Digital person… (I hope im putting this in the right place) Re: Tool for the Digital person… (I hope im putting this in the right place)


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Ifeel intimidated by technology, and don’t have any of the super fancy modern phone thingy contraptions. I’m something of a dinosaur, and I don’t really understand what an ‘app’ is. Or,an Ipad, or an Iphone. I lost my mobile phone a few months ago, and have been using my wife’s when she let’s me…