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Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise

Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise2011-07-13T20:15:12+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Exercise Totally ADD: No Exercise Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise


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I love the idea of a ‘motivational’ note Toofat!!

I have struggled with my weight and exercise most of my life, but I do find that ANYTHING that I do physical brings about a zenlike happiness and focus, so I try to remember that when I drag my feet about exercise. I started out at the gym when I was about 277lbs so I definitely began slow, elliptical machine (good on the knees), walking on the treadmill, even swimming or water aerobics because it was easy on the joints. Once I got more ‘athletic’ I tried to find things that would keep my interest, you know, the downside of being ADHD, doing the SAME cardio over and over nearly killed me. I also tried to find classes that incorporate things that I don’t do on my own. I was never keen on weight training (all of the ‘muscleheads’ in the weight room at my gym both fascinated and TERRIFIED me) so I took classes that incorporated strength training in them. I found a class called STRIKE that combines cardio with a some martial arts moves. The “Group Fitness” program at my gym is awesome because you see all walks of life taking the classes, from the size 2’s to people more my speed. We all sweat it out together and form a twisted masochistic friendship through the class. I found a circuit class that SUCKS, but does the job with cardio and strength and I find that I like the challenge and it keeps me motivated because you never really ‘win’ in the class. As soon as you think it’s going to get easy, it doesn’t, and I ‘treat’ myself with dance oriented classes from time to time as well.

I find that my concentration and overall mood is improved after something as simple as a brisk 45 minute walk so even if I don’t feel like getting my gym time in, I try to walk or even work outside to get the blood pumping.

Every day is a challenge, and on days when I’m lazy, I don’t beat myself up. I just do something the next day, or the day after that. You get those endorphins going though and you’ll be hooked.