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Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise

Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise2011-07-14T02:14:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Exercise Totally ADD: No Exercise Re: Totally ADD: No Exercise


Post count: 14413

Good PP….steal away…. Hey just one more little trick I used to keep me diligent ……it’s nothing really but it was a oh so effective for me….maybe for you too???

I saw your list…I have one like it and maybe longer in my head…hahhahahahahhaha……I simply AVOIDED it. I did not allow the tape to start playing. I blocked it out completely. So….at 11:50 everyday I got up and out of my chair at my desk, like a robot man….without question, without thought….no list to battle, no excuse to fall back on….I simply got up, grabbed my gym bag went to the elevator on auto-pilot and pushed the 2nd floor button (where the gym was)…..did not think… not once….one foot in-front of the other……into the change room……changed, and started working out. If I was sluggish (it happens from time to time) I went anyway and went through the motions and soon (after a few minutes) I was feeling more energized and before I knew it I was working hard and soon my hour was done!!!!! Wooohooo….

Side benefit…I didn’t get dozey at 2:30 > 3:00…stayed sharp all day. One whole wheat peanut butter sandwich at my desk after my work-out and an apple…for years (no change, routine)…….protein to feed my bod and fuel me thru the day. Hahahaha….the old no gym bag routine eh…..ready for this, I used to just leave it at work for prolonged periods of time….yup it got a little rich after a while but tuff shit……it’s a gym not a fancy dress ball.

So go go go PETE…you can do it…I KNOW you can!!!!
