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Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD

Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD2011-01-08T20:11:23+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other Understanding a partner with ADHD Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD


Post count: 14413

I remember how hard it was when I first got married. My wife and I ended up going to marriage counseling in order to get on the same page regarding my ADHD. I was accusing her of being unreasonable and she was accusing me of making excuses. It turns out we were both partially right. Once we became better at communication we were better able to come up with compromises that satisfied us both. I came to realize her frustration with my inattention and the unbalanced work load and she was better able to understand that I wasn’t intentionally trying to do some of the things I was doing. We STILL have some problems in this area but we handle them a lot better now. She still gets angry at times but that is a natural response for any human. We just talk about it more now.