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Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD

Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD2011-01-13T18:36:22+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other Understanding a partner with ADHD Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD


Post count: 14413

Patience, love and tolerance are all great things but your also human. My parents worked with me from an early age and showed all of those qualities. Although they were all of those things they are still human and felt frustration. When I got married my mom said “She’s going to get mad a you sometimes. Just remember your really intelligent and have all of these great qualities but your damn hard to live with sometimes.” ADHD can sometimes be a weakness but I try to never let it become an excuse. Even though i can not help some of the things I do I still see my own choices as my own responsibility. Yep, I have been impulsive, hyper, mean, thoughtless, aloof, and inattentive. Yep, the adhd doesn’t help me in these areas but it is still on me as my personal responsibility. I just try to learn from it and try to make myself better each day. Embrace the good, work on the bad, and above all else have forgiveness and hope.