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Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD

Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD2011-01-31T16:14:58+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other Understanding a partner with ADHD Re: Understanding a partner with ADHD


Post count: 14413

Hey Norah…… 6, 2, and 3 months right??? Busy time girl…. no doubt….my partner and I raised two…there were crazy days!! I get that!!

Some perspective maybe Norah????

I find…… I can do what I can do….no more. What I can’t do…so what…..I have to let that go today… and I feel comfortable about that.!

Time outs ( for me) are important….. (all easy to say…. all hard to do.. I get that)

What I find unclear Norah…. I too was an ADD Partner/Dad

Your post sounds like your partner is not partnering…….maybe… is that right???? Am I to understand that …… ADD will not allow your husband to partner/share with you in the day to day work of maintaining your young family???? Yes????
