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Re: Unfiltered brain

Re: Unfiltered brain2011-03-14T07:29:14+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Unfiltered brain Re: Unfiltered brain


Post count: 14413

Yes, our gift can be frustrating at times but I always remind myself of that old saying, “Far fields always look greener.”

I truly believe that there is no ‘perfect’ life out there. Everyone is dealing with ‘something’ but most of the time we have no idea of their own issues. It just LOOKS like they have it easy.

I’ll stick with the issues I know rather than trading up for something ‘new’. I like most parts of me all of the time. The ADD is something I’m working on and eventually I’ll get it under control, or at least the issues that get created by it.

Besides, we’re a pretty great group of people, don’t you think?