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Re: Unmitigated Disaster seeks like minded to pump him full of morphine. Pay……

Re: Unmitigated Disaster seeks like minded to pump him full of morphine. Pay……2012-09-13T07:09:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Unmitigated Disaster seeks like minded to pump him full of morphine. Pay…… Re: Unmitigated Disaster seeks like minded to pump him full of morphine. Pay……


Post count: 116

hi mark! glad you found this place!

“how is it i determine doing nothing is an acceptable thing?how is it that when the weight of the world is on me, i do nothing…….”

well, i don’t think we actually determine “doing nothing is an acceptable thing” – we just do it (do nothing, or do the wrong thing)…and then feel horrible about it….

i can relate all too well, except it took me til almost 48 yo to get the diagnosis and start to figure things out….still working on it. meds are helping a lot with some things, but still have, it seems, a long and difficult road ahead – definitely a work in progress.

but, i can say that at least there has been some progress, even if only baby steps sometimes. and i finally feel like i am moving in generally the right direction, even if it feels like it’s happening sloooowly.

“hang in there”! :)

hang in there!