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Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med

Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med2011-07-10T18:03:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med


Post count: 14413

Krazykat, everyone’s brain chemistry is so unique that the meds probably affect us all a little differently. I do notice that I have less mind clutter. more doing and less thinking about doing… however…. if I really really don’t want to do something..I just don’t. I guess that makes sense that the med would not change that. maybe it does for others?

I’m a pretty horrible procrastinator too. I’m going to talk to my dr. soon and ask her about what I should be expecting. and whether this could get better with more time on the meds.