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July 9, 2011 at 4:17 pm #105412
Woo! I am back onto Dexedrine! Very excited for it! I decided not to ask for Vyvanse, im so tired of trying this one and then that one. I just went back to what I know worked best! Ive also been given Prozac for my PMDD. But I wont be taking that until next month. We will see how it goes!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 9, 2011 at 4:23 pm #105413I’m at day 10 and out of pills because I only got a 10 day supply to try and see. I think I’ll continue but now think I have a UTI, which I read can be a ( apparently rare) side-effect. Now that’s a pain in more ways than one! I am leaving for a trip in 3 days and will be away for nearly a month., the last thing I have time for right now is a visit to the doctor! A million things to do – mentally alert thanks to the med but physically don’t feel like moving much from my comfy chair. It’s the week-end so would only get in to see the doctor on Monday or Tuesday, the day I’m going away. I suppose this will be the multi-tasking test to see if this stuff really works!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 9, 2011 at 4:40 pm #105414Hi Carrie, I think we were posting at the same time didn’t see your entry until I submitted mine. A good idea to stick with what works. i kind of did all that switching around too and was starting to get fed up. The Vyvanse was my last attempt, if it didn’t work I would have just stayed with the RItalin. Just hope the uti is a fluke and not something that will constantly be afflicting me.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 9, 2011 at 5:34 pm #105415Yeah Ive read several posts about UTIs and the meds. Very odd. I hope it works out for you!
Well today is day one back on the Dexedrine. I never took Dexedrine fully… only for about a week. I feel great! Back on my feet and out of the little lul I was in! My dishes are done, floors swept. Playing monopoly with kids and getting ready for work! Im only concerned that I wont have enough coverage in the day. The Dex lasts about 4-5 hours… When I do the morning shift I take my med at 6am… Then its worn off about 10am… Take another… Worn off at 2pm… Then its too late to take another.. bleh. That doesnt help me! But we will see how it goes! Right now im on a set of afternoon shifts which I prefer! Im a morning person so I can get all my house work done in the AM then head to work and be fine. When I work the day shift, I get home and just want to sleep! haha
REPORT ABUSEJuly 9, 2011 at 8:22 pm #105416
AnonymousInactiveJuly 9, 2011 at 8:22 pmPost count: 14413UTI? that is bizarre? especially in that how thirsty it makes you. I hope that clears up soon
REPORT ABUSE. Carrie, the short-acting meds seem irritating. enough up and downs in my head! yuck PMDD. I randomly cry about a week before at stupid things like commercials, but that’s not too bad. impressive productivity. I might need a bottle of these things to do all of that lol. alrighty…must start my day and not make everyone late! lol
July 10, 2011 at 1:05 am #105417
AnonymousInactiveJuly 10, 2011 at 1:05 amPost count: 14413Carrie, if your dexedrine only lasts 4-5 hours, why wouldn’t you be able to take a third? It should wear off around 6pm if you take it at 2pm. That is the dosing schedule the paediatrician put my son on (though Ritalin, not dex). We are not up to three doses per day though, so I can’t tell you if it affects his sleep yet, as he is early in the drug treatment and is to start with the two doses today, after one dose yesterday. Anyway, I have always been the sort to prefer afternoon/evening shifts (I work nights now), as I would get home from an early shift and be useless for the rest of the day, I was so tired, but it was nothing to do with medications and everything to do with me hating early mornings. I prefer to ease into my morning gently 😉
Nellie and SG, it’s been good to follow your medication trials, seeing what the meds help with and what they don’t. My son has started his meds and it’s been an improvement for sure. Of course it’s too early in the piece to have a good picture of how much/little the Ritalin helps across the parts of his life, but it’s been a good start. I am just waiting for school to go back so we can get a real picture of the medication’s effect, as it is at school that his ADHD affects him the most, although I am starting to think that it affects him at home more than we realised, based on things we are noticing when he has medication on board.
I am thinking that once my son goes on longer acting Ritalin (Concerta or similar) we will keep the short acting Ritalin handy for those days when he forgets to take his meds, or sleeps in too long. Then we can give him two doses of the short acting stuff to see him through the day instead of missing a day’s dose entirely. We certainly have been prescribed a decent amount of it – will have to check to see if previous prescriptions are negated by new ones (considering the governmental hoops the doc had to jump through to write the script), or whether the doc had this sort of future use in mind when he prescribed 5 repeats of 100 tablets each! I guess the short acting ones also allow more flexibility if he participates in “shift work” type activities too, so we could drop the long acting one for a day or two and tailor the short acting medication doses to suit the needs of the day(s). Will have to remember to ask the doc about using the two different dosage forms in that way. Should be okay, from my nursing point of view, as it’s not a sudden cessation of the drug.
Anyway, enough of my rabbiting on. It’s nice to see how others are going on their medications, so thanks for keeping the thread going!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 10, 2011 at 7:19 am #105418Amphetamines can possibly cause a UTI. I was concerned that I was having urine retention because it was increasingly hard to go to the washroom… I think I may go to my doctor to see if there is any urine remaining in my bladder after I go. We dont have a bladder scanner at work or I would test myself hahaha But I may be having problems because I can’t go to the washroom in a public place if there is anyone in the same room as me. Even if I have to go so bad Im about to pee myself I just cant do it. Its called Paruresis (shy bladder syndrome).
Last year in college I had about 9 hour days, I wouldnt drink water so I wouldnt have to go to the washroom. I sometimes went 7-8 hours without going to the washroom because of this. I finally told a few close friends who then would block the outside door so I could go. Anyways, back on topic (can you tell my meds have worn off? hahaha)
Sugargremlin – Yeah… My pms is severe. I wrote it in another post. I will see how the Prozac works. Im a little hesitant with SSRI’s. Especially since SSRIs increase serotonin levels, and so do amphetamines so I will be very careful and hope not to get serotonin syndrome hahaha I even asked my Dr. I told her I was worried about the interaction, she said the PC would flag it… Well it flagged the Adderall, but she said not the Dexedrine, which doesnt make sense because dextroamphetamine is a part of Adderall… Sure enough, once she printed it out and I read the bottom it said “Warning: Interactions with Dexedrine” I know what im suppose to be looking for, so thank goodness for that!
KrazyKat – I asked if I could take them TID (3 times a day), currently I take 15mg BID (twice a day) and I think the maximum suggested limit is 40mg/day. I would only be going over by 5mg… Im gonna give these some time and then I may just do it on my own and then tell the Dr. how it went and ask for it, thats what I normally do. Its only for the dreaded day shifts. Evening shifts aren’t bad. I may in the end just give in and ask for Vyvanse, but right now im just so fed up with all these meds.
I may stop the ADD meds all together and stick with the Prozac. Ive been thinking a lot about it, and my PMS/PMDD is the biggest strain on my life. I have managed quite well with the ADD part. Was it easy? No… Frustrating yes but really it hasnt hindered me… Besides in school, feeling like a failure, though I didnt fail I just knew I could do better and blah blah blah. We all know that story. But im not in school right now. My pms on the other hand puts strain on my relationship with my husband, and my poor kids see my mood swings, going from incredibly hyper and happy to within seconds throwing things and being verbally abusive to my poor husband who’s done nothing, and then become very depressed because of what I did to my husband and feel I have no control over it.. and then repeat. At times ive been so low that I just stayed in bed. I wanted to sleep forever thinking the normal depressed/suicidal things “im a horrible wife, im a terrible mother! Everyone would be better off without me” blah blah blah! The day my period hits im back to 110%. Its only those 1-2weeks before. And half the month is too much!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 10, 2011 at 8:41 am #105419
AnonymousInactiveJuly 10, 2011 at 8:41 amPost count: 14413I don’t have PMDD, but I do have bipolar disorder so I can relate well to those type of mood swings…. 0_x.. and yeah.. and really like every day of that is like a week! I have physically hugged my bipolar meds from saving me from that crap. (still have flare-ups, but not so extreme that I can’t handle it or function) so my heart goes out to you on that and I hope the prozac works well. If not, there are other things to try. so not even close to last chance at relief, ok? my doctor is only doing this trial of stimulants because I am already very stable. crazy ass mood swings do rank.
I’m still a little confused about the Vyvance and its effects. I still feel forgetful, lazy, ditsy, and am working really long days. However, now I just notice every time I forget stuff. so, it is probably less. because before who knows what I was forgetting because I was forgetting, right? from my day off of the meds, I noticed that I did manage to be even lazier. My friend is telling me that my conversations make more sense and he doesn’t have to try and piece them together until the med dies.
I guess I need to figure out what the med is doing and how to use that difference to push me forward. I am a bit disappointed that I still have zero interest in cleaning lol. totally wasn’t the point of the med anyway. I often forget the point of things lol. the point was for me to be able to work a 8 hour day and finish all of my work (ie. get kicked out of the building at 7:30pm.. so need to do this within an 11.5hr time frame). I am now at 7.5 hr. still 11.5hr days, but hopefully my progress is not done. i no longer have fears of losing the job related to lack of productivity..and well.. i should go back and read my first desperate posts on this forum about how i was going to lose my job because I could only manage 6 hours of work per day. Now I am doing 7.5 plus having more actual work.. ie. larger caseload= more phone calls, more problems, more paperwork..because well people need stuff other than just when they see you! then sometimes i wonder if the progress is just experience-related..then I need to remember about the pretty significant difference I felt the first day of the methylin ER and haven’t been to work without one of the ADD meds for a month and a half..
hmmm my med is long dead also as I write this too. lol
time for bed.. i have zero will power about bedtime……..
REPORT ABUSEJuly 10, 2011 at 10:11 am #105420
AnonymousInactiveJuly 10, 2011 at 10:11 amPost count: 14413Yeah, I have notice that my son’s Ritalin does nothing for motivation. He wanted to clean the car to earn some money, but really had a hard time getting started. Once I gave him a push and set him up he did fine, and stayed on task much better than usual. He did a really good job and finished it completely, rather than a half-assed job that was left hanging. So I guess motivation is one thing that ADHD meds don’t help
REPORT ABUSENot something I want to hear, as I am the ultimate procrastinator and was really hoping medication would make a difference there. But I guess that knowing a job will be easier to focus on (if I get medication), and take less time as a result, might help me make a start on things. Less brain clutter would help too, as when I do try to start a job, often I get distracted by my thoughts or put off by too much brain action (what if….? how about….? why should….?). Funnily enough, being on the pramipexole for RLS has helped a bit with my motivation. I am getting a bit more more done. Maybe it’s because I feel less foggy from lack of sleep. Maybe it’s because I am taking fewer sedative type meds to help me sleep. Or maybe it’s something to do with the type of RLS medication (dopamine related). It’s a baby step, but it’s a step forward!
July 10, 2011 at 6:03 pm #105421
AnonymousInactiveJuly 10, 2011 at 6:03 pmPost count: 14413Krazykat, everyone’s brain chemistry is so unique that the meds probably affect us all a little differently. I do notice that I have less mind clutter. more doing and less thinking about doing… however…. if I really really don’t want to do something..I just don’t. I guess that makes sense that the med would not change that. maybe it does for others?
I’m a pretty horrible procrastinator too. I’m going to talk to my dr. soon and ask her about what I should be expecting. and whether this could get better with more time on the meds.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 10, 2011 at 7:01 pm #105422Sugar – Do the meds really work for it? They ruled out bi-polar because it only occurs when I PMS. Its not every day. The worst days are 3-4 right before my period. Then my emotions fit the bill for bi-polar. I am only to take the Prozac during that time to even me out. Im still scared. My uncle was given Prozac and it did the opposite for him. Made him 100% worse. But there are a lot of other underlying things there. But I will give it a try. Wont know for a month now! But that goes by so fast!
Krazykat – When I first started to take meds I was very discouraged and quickly learned they dont teach habits. I still find like right now when I get excited, my mind is scattered, I lose my train of thought, I procrastinate (I should be getting ready for work at this very moment!). But I do find with the Dexedrine I feel better and can get up. A little motivation. I didnt get that with Ritalin or the long acting meds. When I dont take my meds I notice little things that are different. Such as not tuning out on conversations. Before I couldnt stop myself and would miss everything they said. I dont have to repeat them and ask them a million times then keep repeating it to myself. I just go do it. Thats the biggest change ive found. Dexedrine also decreased my anxiety. I could go downtown, and all by myself! I could bring my son to school without panic and fear of all the kids running around, having to try and make conversation with other parents and smile and blah blah blah. It slowed my brain down, making everything seem quiet, and clear and calm. I like the quiet. Another silly thing I found.. before meds I would always go “shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” even when no one was talking just because my brain was going a million miles an hour. I would literally say “BE QUIET” out loud. Not until I took my meds, stopped doing that and then stopped meds did I notice that. Or I would move my feet in a certain way to make a cool drumming sound. I would walk around making sounds with my mouth. Little chirps here and there… Everyone would laugh at me when I would do that to myself. haha Actually I kinda miss that part of myself. It not only took away those lows, but my quirky highs too. Anyways. Now im seriously almost late.
I find the PC is my downfall. I am certain I have an internet addiction, which explains a lot as well. hahahaha This is my only down fall! I get sucked in here and then my day is gone before I know it and nothing is done! Grrrrrrrrrr
REPORT ABUSEJuly 10, 2011 at 9:45 pm #105423
AnonymousInactiveJuly 10, 2011 at 9:45 pmPost count: 14413Prozac is FDA approved for that very purpose (just looked it up). If it does do the opposite for you, it will suck temporarily, but you will be ok and there are other options.
I have an internet addiction too! It is to the point in which I really need to work on it. I am making a few steps like turning my computer off at night if I know that I will be getting home late or won’t have time to check things. Or I go to forums/websites I always visit and make all my reading and replies in one chunk. Thus, I am up to date, but not checking it over all day long. I just went to the grocery store and felt far less compulsive, so I am hoping that the meds will give me a little kick start. Right now, I am waiting for my friend who is always later than I am! >_<.
I actually got a decent amount of stuff done today! yay. probably because I planned it yesterday. victorious! I get very overwhelmed in crowds as well. overstimulation. I have finally made peace with it after doing some intensive research. I go to the club and just accept that I just cannot be present for everyone and relax. Whatever stimuli I can focus on is ok. I can just look around at everything and talk to people when it is comfortable. However, only talk to one person at a time.
REPORT ABUSEugh..where is he? I hate waiting.
July 11, 2011 at 3:09 am #105424Krazykat, Sugar and Carrie,
As to motivation –
Not sure I’m more motivated per se when it comes to boring stuff but I am able to do them – it’s as if suddenly that awful overwhelming feeling is gone. Not sure how to describe it. Kind of like your brain is being twisted. For example laundry. Used to find it torturous to sort although I didn’t realize it at the time. I just though it was boring but knew I had to do it so eventually had to force myself. Naturally things were always piled sky high! THen when I started taking meds one day realized I was just flying through the job without that awful feeling like I was doing advanced calculus ( well ok not if you like math) or something instead of simple sorting of clothes! It was a big deal and think that was the first time I decided meds were working! Most tasks are like that now but I don’t exactly wake up in the morning looking forward to doing laundry and want to open a laundromat either! I have to schedule stuff to make sure I do it. I think the meds help with initiative in the sense that I can direct my thoughts better better because it;s like there’s a filter for all the other stuff that normally distracts me.I think the self starting skills need to be learned though so for a child this might be where practice comes in.
Well day 11 on Vyvanse and I can definitely see a difference.
The first indicator was that I t decided to try the day without meds. First I dilly dallied around and eventually found myself staring at the shelf in my closet getting distracted by all the colours and had a hard time picking a t-shirt. Couldn’t believe it ! So promptly went to take my pill!
I was able to stay on track despite my day being pretty well derailed due to a car problem. And turns most of the pain of the uti was a result of major PMS ( 2 weeks early) so am feeling much better today. I drank loads of cranberry juice and water yesterday and mostly vegged on the couch, so hoping this will maybe go away on its own.
Only now ironically it looks like my cat has a uti and I was supposed to take her to the kennel tomorrow because we’re going away, so instead of going to the clinic for myself guess I have to work in a trip to the vet into my schedule instead! Now normally I would be stressing at the thought of all this but instead I’m feeling pretty calm and just visualizing what I have to do. Actually got my suitcase packed today as well without too much of a hassle. Packing normally involved lots of lists and this time did it with a minimum of pre-packing project planning. Although, logically I shouldn’t really be so laid back since I have a nice long list of stuff I procrastinated on that I now have to do in the morning!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 11, 2011 at 4:38 am #105425
AnonymousInactiveJuly 11, 2011 at 4:38 amPost count: 14413Nellie, I understand that feeling of dread or of being overwhelmed when thinking about doing a task. Sorting the laundry does it for me too. I don’t know if it’s the thought of then having to DO something with the sorted laundry (ie. put it away, which involves getting past the kids’ mess in their rooms, or folding the linen) because the sorting job itself is pretty mindless, but it’s so hard to initiate. I also think that the more steps that are involved in an activity, the more likely I am to procrastinate. If everything is at hand, it helps me get moving, so I keep cleaning stuff in the bathrooms to help. But the clutter the kids (and I) leave around means I have to pack things away before I clean, so that puts me off even though the cleaning things are at hand! It’s a losing battle!! Hence I feel I need some medications to help give me that clarity of thought to help me break things down mentally so I don’t get overwhelmed before I even begin.
Carrie, I really need help to not tune out of conversations. I even tune out when my kids take too long to get to the point, or if they interrupt something I am concentrating on. I hate myself for that at times. They deserve my full attention at least some of the time – certainly more than they get now. So does my hubby. How can anyone pay attention to fishing stories, to what happened at hubby’s work to people you know nothing about (because I can never pay attention enough to remember who’s who), or to who played with who at school, or to big ideas on how to make money that you know are doomed before they are two seconds into descibing the plan?!! It’s beyond me how others manage to pay attention to that sort of stuff, let alone remember enough to ask questions about it at a later date! Ugh!! I can’t even PRETEND I am listening much of the time!
SG, I think planning is part of the key to getting things done. I am better if I do plan ahead and let things sink into my brain for a day beforehand. But I have to keep plans realistic – one or two things is enough for me to deal with at the moment. Not that I always work that way. I am always planning too much and not doing anything because I overwhelm myself just looking at my “to do” list!
And I have an internet addiction too 😉
REPORT ABUSEJuly 11, 2011 at 6:52 am #105426sugar – Yeah, my internet addiction is bad too! I have been addicted for 10years. I dont want to lose it! The only things that stop me is the unlimited amount of music I can access at any time! There are so many things I can look up at any time which I love! Education is limitless… but so is time wasted! hahaha
Nellie – Now that you mention it, I too had that horrible overwhelming feeling! I used to get it from a sink full of dishes. I would get so overwhelmed. I would get home from work, need to cook dinner, dishes everywhere, I HATE cooking in a mess I refuse to, and a few here and there seemed like a huge tower and I just couldnt do it. I just never knew where to start. Should I scrub the pots first? Oh the counter is so messy! Ugh I need to unload the dishwasher first! aaaahhhh! hahaha You are right that overwhelming feeling is gone. I just get in there and do them (with my handy dandy gloves of course!)
Krazy – You sound EXACTLY like me before meds. My kids always take forever to get to the point, and if im on the PC I dont hear a word they say I just agree.. I got so good at it I wouldnt even notice I was agreeing or they were talking to me. The first day I took Dexedrine (back in jan-feb) I remember being on my PC… my daughter came up.. I could actually pull away, hear everything she said, understand what she meant, answer her and get back to whatever waste of time I was doing on the PC hahaha That was amazing to me. I could never do that before! I too felt horrible about not paying attention to them. Oh! Dont get me started about my husband as well! Sheesh! I can totally relate! But with him its all about cars, and how he fixed this and that and blah blah. Once again I got really good and just agreeing and kinda laughing when needed but had no clue what he was saying. Its the worst in the car driving. I like it quiet in the car, well besides music. Car time is my music/self-thinking time. All he does is talk and talk and talk and talk. I swear he never shuts up! Its always the same things over and over! hahaha But he is starting to learn that im not listening. He tests me. hahaha Meds have helped me remain calm with him and let him know I want quiet instead of just blowing up at him. Also helped me pay attention and actually listen and I am interested in what he has to say!
I think starting Monday im not going to take any meds for a week. Just to see. I think that will help me establish better goals too. Kinda find my roots again and work things out. Ive been on meds since Jan or Feb now non-stop. Well going from this drug to this one, then that one and on and on. It will be good! I will report how it goes!
Good night all you awesome ladies! Cant wait to hear from you all again!