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Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med

Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med2011-07-18T15:33:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med Re: Vyvanse – feeling calm with new med


Post count: 529

Hey sugar! Sorry havent been posting here in a while! (well this thread!) Yes thats me in the pic. Im not normally that colourful! I have my “cyber wig” on. A wig I made for raves 😳 hahaha And I have some face paint on. I just dont like to take serious pics. I hate the whole “strike a pose! Fake a smile!” I used to take a million pics like that when I was younger… Well that was only 5-6 years ago hahaha Not so much anymore.

My Dexedrine is doing well. I just need to get my butt back in gear here. I found 15mg was way too much. 10mg is working great. I hate having to take pills twice a day again. I never remember the first time I take the first dose and Im not getting enough coverage in the day. It seems when I take the Dex around 2pm-3pm I have insomnia. Maybe this is because the med is still new in my system… Maybe it will be an ongoing thing. I know with Adderall XR I had insomnia the first couple weeks and then I was fine.

I know with the Adderall I got a “icky” feeling.. Not sure how to describe it… It killed my appetite, and the thought of food was just “bleh” I was sick of it. Done with veggies and healthy, and didnt want to eat fast food or grungy food because it made me feel worse, so often I wouldnt eat… Which made me feel 100% worse. I would get a headache and just feel gross until I forced myself to eat something even if I didnt want to and then I would feel great. I am overweight so I wasnt too worried but me being cranky and feeling gross wasnt any fun. Loss of appetite is to be expected with stimulants. With Dexedrine I dont feel as hungry as normal. Well its not that I was ever hungry (over eater here, LOVER of food!) I ate because I LOVE the tastes.. and bored, or stress. Mostly boredom did it for me. That constant antsy feeling (which I didnt realize before) made me have to do something… I would eat. Dexedrine, that impulse to eat is gone. I feel hungry a little bit, still dont feel like eating… Anorexia it seems to be..

Etymology: Gk, a + orexis, not appetite – “a lack or loss of appetite, resulting in the inability to eat. The condition may result from poorly prepared or unattractive food or surroundings” For me.. Honestly Im just so sick of food. The meds have killed my appetite. Im tired of fruits, veggies, this and that. Sick of fast food and prepackaged (though I rarely eat that). I have been turing to fast food these days because its quick and has a lot of cals so I can eat one meal hahahaha Today I have decided to get back on track with my eating. Befor I lost 35lbs eating right, healthy and some exercise. At that time I hit a plateau and didnt know that because my weight has gone down I either had to eat less or exercise more to keep my caloric deficit. Ididnt know that and became depressed and gained going back to college. Now I have been exercising but not eating right. My weight is going down slow… But weight loss is 90% diet (by diet I mean what you eat). Now that I have the help of meds, and have a lot more knowledge I should be able to make it. Just gotta kick my butt into gear! Sheesh! Trail off or what! Alright! Back to cleaning it is for me!