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Re: Well, here we go, I guess…

Re: Well, here we go, I guess…2011-05-31T19:10:09+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Well, here we go, I guess… Re: Well, here we go, I guess…


Post count: 14413

You’re officially outed, you can’t go back now, and you shouldn’t.

Watching “ADD and Loving It!?!” was like a religious experience for me, despite the fact that I had already been diagnosed. I laughed, I nodded my head vigorously to some of the scenarios and yep, I too cried. I realized that I had a similar reaction once before, when my psychiatrist first mentioned the possibility of ADHD to me.

Here’s the cliche part…everything you are feeling, Every. Thing. Is normal. We’ve all been there, we’ve all struggled with the diagnosis and what it means, the relief and the torture, the fear, the stigma, all of it. To say that you’ve come to the right place is an understatement. You’ve come to the perfect place!

And it sounds like you have a phenominal support system in your wife, which believe me is so very important. I think that a lot of us struggle with having to ‘prove’ to loved ones that what we have, what we experience is very ‘real’. It sounds as though your wife sees it too, and if things are getting as bad as you say, she is probably as desperate for you to get help as you are.

Please don’t hide, don’t run, don’t even TRY to put this back in the bottle. My experience has been that things progressed for me with age, my self ‘boundaries’ and intentional ‘sensors’ no longer worked and I was at the mercy of the disease. At the risk of sounding new agey, you watched the show for a reason, then you took the test, then you took to the forum to out yourself even more. You’re ready for the next step. Just take it. We all did it. It’s not easy, you’ll have awesome days and you’ll have not so great days, but I can tell you that my worst day now is waaaay better than a ‘decent’ day before my diagnosis. I’ll ask you what my doc asked me “Don’t you want to feel better?” If you knew you were a diabetic, would you knowingly go without insulin because you were afraid? The first day when I felt that I was truly seeing improvements beat any fear, anyone’s opinions, any stigma that may come with saying that I am a ‘grown ass woman’ with ADHD.

Read through this site, read the forums, look at the support people get from others who have been through the exact same thing and understand that getting help is your God given right. Help yourself and you will see your life improve in ways you never thought possible. It sounds so corny, but it’s true. Getting help, getting diagnosed, continuing with treatment quite literally saved my life, and I know that I’m not alone in feeling that way. So welcome to the tribe and good luck!