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Re: Wellbutrin

Re: Wellbutrin2012-02-02T18:26:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Antidepressants Wellbutrin Re: Wellbutrin


Post count: 14413

my doctor added Wellbutrine XR 300mg to my Adderall 40mg dose about six weeks ago. I have found it incredibly helpful – far more than I expected it would be. I find that it helps a great deal with impulse control, and it seems to have really improved my ability to (verbally) articulate myself, which has created a lot of difficulty for me in the past. I also feel as though this improvement in articulation/communication has had a very positive impact on my relationship. it is wonderful!

however – I have noticed that since taking the Wellbutrine it feels as though I have a sinus cold that just *will*not* quit. usually I don’t get sick much at all, and only for three days at the most when I do. I’ve read that in rare cases Wellbutrine can cause bronchitis and/or sinusitis. it seems unlikely that I would be in the 1% of people who experience this side effect, but I am not sure what else to make of it.

has anyone else had this experience? if so, what helped?

I don’t want to be stuck taking cold medicine constantly, but I also don’t want to just feel run down every day. :(