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Re: Wellbutrin

Re: Wellbutrin2010-02-25T17:08:58+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Antidepressants Wellbutrin Re: Wellbutrin


Post count: 14413

Kelly – it took me about two weeks to get over the worst of the Wellbutrin. I’m on the same dose as you. What are you getting for side effects that are bugging you so?

The one thing I noticed is that the facial tension – clenched jaw, frowning – disappeared after the two weeks. As for the gastro-intestinal effects, they’re still there, as is the dry mouth.

I also have a reduced appetite, but in my books that’s a feature, not a bug. Your mileage may vary.

Carrying a y-chromosome myself, I never had to contend with anticipated pregnancy.

Hope this finds you well.