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Re: What do you do to calm down?

Re: What do you do to calm down?2011-10-03T15:40:42+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Medication What do you do to calm down? Re: What do you do to calm down?


Post count: 913

Playing with the cats helps me – or holding them, and interacting, has a calming effect – especially when that really loud purr starts as I scratch between their shoulders or rub their forehead. I like getting them to wink and blink – if you slowly blink your eyes, and smile at them, you can get them to do the same. Funny, but I think of little else when interacting with them, especially playing fetch with Tovak, tossing his toys for him to run after and retrieve. Otherwise, it’s working on my cars and stuff – even woodworking like I was doing this weekend. I can’t simply do “nothing”. Doesn’t work for me, never has.