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What do you do to calm down?

What do you do to calm down?2011-04-08T14:58:23+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Medication What do you do to calm down?

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    Post count: 430

    Ive been in treatment for ADD for over a couple months now. One thing that has not changed, is my mind still wants to travel every pathway, every trail of thought it can find. I replay the day even the multiple gaps where I was zoned out daydreaming. This continues until I am exhausted and sleep.

    My routine is either I stay up until I can’t pry my eye lids open, and I go to bed and start thinking. Or I go to bed early and start thinking. Either way, sleep comes around 11 and the alarm rings at 5.

    TV is no good, because I don’t concentrate long enough to get into the story, or I can’t suspend disbelief long enough to get interested. Sleep aids don’t work at all. Meditation… LOL… Yea.. Right… ADD…

    Anyone have a routine that works?


    Post count: 14413

    You might want to ask your doctor for some anti-anxiety medication. I keep some for “emergencies” when I feel I’m about to explode. I don’t take them regularly, just when life comes at me too hard.


    Post count: 9

    I use deep breathing and classical music to lull me to sleep.

    I have also found that exercise in the day, and some streching and a warm shower before bedtime help.

    My therapist suggested I imagine a small box by the bedroom door into which I put my worries of the day, and then tell myself I can pick them up again when I wake up in the morning.

    I have tried journaling, but that just makes me frustrated – it does work for some though…

    best of luck to you


    Post count: 103

    Audio books always seem to work for me, especially if the narrator has a soothing voice. Relaxation hypnosis tapes, Exercise during the day too helps. No caffeine ever and a hot bath before bed.


    Post count: 14413

    What helps for me is remembering the times when my mind took me down pathways that were a complete waste of time, I am learning not to go there, or to realize that it’s a fantasy. I could spend hours and hours designing or thinking up new ideas that would never happen, even while I was doing things that I enjoyed and that were important to me.

    I make a lot of lists of things that I want to/need to do, so when I go to bed I am not thinking about them. If I get an idea when in bed, I get up and write it down (not just a bedside note). Although I have way too many things on my list, at least they are there and out of my head.

    Learning proper deep breathing is really good too (I teach it now to my yoga students). Deep breathing helps invoke the relaxation response and calms the mind and body down. Focusing on the breath helps with developing concentration.

    I have been meditating for about 10 years now and it’s getting harder and harder for me (ritalin is really helpful in settling me down), but one useful thing a zen master told me was to think of unwanted thoughts as people knocking at the door – you can acknowledge them, but you don’t have to invite them in. Just tell them that you will see them in the morning (or if meditating, when you’re finished). Be firm and close the door – SLAM it if you have to.

    I know this isn’t easy, but you might try it. Letting the mind run wild can also be a habit, it’s been that way for me, Mentally, I am like a free spirit (or a wild horse).

    Since I’m new to all of this and only playing with taking my husband’s meds (I see my family doctor this Tuesday for the first time about ADHD), I wonder if your meds might need to be adjusted?


    Post count: 14413

    Like any skill, meditation is one that needs to be developed and nurtured over time. Sometimes it has had a great calming effect on me and others I’m so wound up that I end up hyperventilating. I’m just too impatient! And there are times when I feel that I need to take the anger and rage and punch through to the other side. :(


    Post count: 14413

    I have been told that the deep slow breathing will help to drain off some of my anxiety, panic .. sort of like bleeding a steam valve.

    So far still trying to practice … cognative irrational thinking helpd a bit .. see what thoughts are not rational .. re word to more rational.

    Decide what external events are a threat ,,react if not a threat relax and breath

    Works great until something goes sideways .. sick cat, plumbing pipes .. on weekend and no one works here on weekend,

    trying not to tell stories in my head .. always negative .. try to exercise … burn off energy.

    It would be easier to do if i wasnt surrounded by soooo many other people .. strangers .. maybe the drugs will reduce the noise inside.


    Post count: 913

    Playing with the cats helps me – or holding them, and interacting, has a calming effect – especially when that really loud purr starts as I scratch between their shoulders or rub their forehead. I like getting them to wink and blink – if you slowly blink your eyes, and smile at them, you can get them to do the same. Funny, but I think of little else when interacting with them, especially playing fetch with Tovak, tossing his toys for him to run after and retrieve. Otherwise, it’s working on my cars and stuff – even woodworking like I was doing this weekend. I can’t simply do “nothing”. Doesn’t work for me, never has.


    Post count: 14413

    billd, I am envious of your cats, that would do it for me too. Sometimes taking care of someone other than ourselves takes our mind off things that are troublesome.


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I have adhd and taking meds. They help me focus. My anxiety gets too high and even meds won’t help. My depression level gets too high and I can’t function. My techniques are specific to my spirituality, but they are very effective at controlling my emotional state. I learned to use them at early age, likely the reason haven’t offed myself by now. Some ADHD never find these coping strategies, they can’t handle the intense emotions we tend to have. They commit suicide or end up in prison.

    As stated before, our emotions tend be like the fictional Vulcans on Star Trek(TV). They nearly destroyed themselves until they found logic and mediation to put their intense emotions under control.

    You have to find quiet 10-20 mins and neutral sound like a fan. Find the style that works for you. More meds aren’t always the answer.


    Post count: 14413

    Filmbuff can you elaborate on coping strategies? Finding that i am getting worse if anything as i get older .. trying to do slow breathing

    not an automatic habit as yet and crisis of any sort unravel me to fast.


    Post count: 913

    Vulcans are fictional?

    I dunno, Spock seems to have his own blog



    Post count: 14413

    Filmbuff: Having a neutral sound like a fan on is a great idea. I hate it when it gets too quiet sometimes, and that puts me a vulnerable mood or state of being.

    Shutterbug: What I do is I go to sleep with the fan on and then I start thinking about some movie or show, and how the story might continue on. It sounds silly but having my mind think about fictional non-stressful things actually helps me fall asleep faster.

    Hope that helps!


    Post count: 39

    I find running an awesome outlet for my energy, which helps me relax for the rest of the day. Up at 4:30 to squeeze it in, but it makes a difference. I also go to yoga in the evening 2-3 times a week. I was advised to slow my running down when I started meds as my bp was a tad high, but have gotten green light as my body has adjusted appropriately.

    Sometimes I fall off the routine, and holy moly I notice it!

    Oh, seeing a massage therapist has also been good for me. Gets some relief for my tense muscles. Although I have missed/forgotten/double booked my times with her over the years. I still have to pay her… Perhaps thats why she likes me!

    How do I fit all this in being a working mom? Life for me has always been 300 miles an hour… Oh yeah, I suppose I do have ADHD!

    And not so sure about Spock… I find it easier to buy into the planet Ork with egg shaped spaceships… NANU NANU!

    Oh boy, i’m hoping someone ‘gets’ that or else everyone will think Im nutty!!


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    The technique comes from neo-pagan(new age) spirituality. Which you mix together what ever beliefs work for you. Your free to reject and accept beliefs as you see fit. I’ll skip the spiritual aspects. This one is called the “Path of flaming sword”. Your mind will wander, expect that. Just refocus and continue on where you left off. Do this late at night and with fan(neutral sound). Find a time and place with no/very little distractions. It’s complex enough to keep an ADHD mind interested. Deep breathing should come naturally.

    You visualize a point of light at a location on your body. You chant a word(s) over and again in your mind. The point of light glows brighter each time you say it. When you feel like moving on, you connect the current point of light to the new one with a glowing strand of light. Repeat the process. List order:

    Just above your head, right shoulder, left shoulder, center of heart, right hip, left hip, base of spine, between the feet.

    When the last point is finished, the first point glows with a blinding light. That light running down the chain like a fuse to the last point. While maintaining the previous connections, do this.

    Using a word(s) chant to focus your mind, make a line of light going from the center of your body out to infinity:

    center->left , center->right, center->down, center->up. Now chant the word again and again. Everything becoming brighter and brighter until you feel you are done. You have become a being of light. Wait there a bit more, this part is fun.

    You continue chanting. You become bigger and brighter with word until the whole universe is now a pin prick. Another variant, you rise up and fly through roof out out into space with your body of light traveling faster and faster until you get that cool star trek warp stars.

    I’v been doing this for over 20 years. This took a while to master. You don’t have to believe in the spiritual aspects. I understand the science behind this, but I prefer the spiritual explanation. “The spiritual equivalent of sticking your tongue into a light socket.”. I think of it more as being struck by lightning many times. 8)

    This ritual can give a big rush/high the first time it’s used. Later, it still has a good rush. You should sleep much better for a few days. Also, the next part is specific to my spirituality and personal. Again, I understand the science behind that as well.

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