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Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?

Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?2012-09-27T03:03:29+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Bend The Workplace To You What do you say to your colleagues at work? Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?


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With all respect to all previous comments, may I simply state that what has worked for me – and the environment where I work has perhaps the least tolerance for such things since they look for physical signs – I have not only the psychiatrists diagnosis which in and of itself is all that is required but in addition to that, I have created and posted some signs at my work space describing what ADHD look like to them “you” and what are some steps I take to resolve or correct it. Also sharing the concept of the clock without hands which shows others that I have no concept of time. This has served to have people ask me more about ADHD and how it affects me and how I work around it. At first, people that it was contagious or that I was some weird freak of nature but my self-confidence has carried me through so much it is ridiculous. People now come to me for answers to almost every question under the sun. I have become the go-to guy in the office to get stuff done – that would be the over-achiever part of my personalty coming through, thanks to ADHD – just another positive characteristic of ADHD which is positive.

At one time, I thought that ADHD was a curse but the more I learn, the more I learn that it is a blessing – some of the most successful people currently and those in history have been ADHD – all outside the box thinkers and doers.