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Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?

Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?2012-09-27T04:45:46+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Bend The Workplace To You What do you say to your colleagues at work? Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Yes, it would be interesting to see the stats on that. I only know failure, but wonder if it is possible to divorce myself from mediocrity if I can understand what ADHD is, and how it impacts upon me. Further, if that impact can not only be reduced, but perhaps even eliminated, and the almost unthinkable notion of making the transition from ‘loser’ to ‘winner’! ‘Pie in the sky’, another false dawn, or a part of the metamorphisis? Where on the scale do you sit kc5jck?