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Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?

Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?2012-09-27T22:10:03+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Bend The Workplace To You What do you say to your colleagues at work? Re: What do you say to your colleagues at work?


Post count: 430


OMG, man! You and I have GOT to talk some time! Take away the history, I prefer current events. Add photography. Take away archeology. add Geology… 4 wheeling, and robotics and you have…. me. Scary. :)

I renew my request: We need PERSONAL MESSAGING! KA7RTA_HF@hotmail.com

I have not talked on a HAM radio in decades, but I am KA7RTA and I am old school HF.


We all have our strengths and weaknesses. When I was first diagnosed and was viewing what I saw as the wreckage of my life, it took a lot of prodding from my wife and my councelor to start looking at all the things I have done in a positive light. I am sure you will get there as well!