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Re: What does it take to become an “Insider” ?

Re: What does it take to become an “Insider” ?2012-10-21T23:20:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? What does it take to become an "Insider" ? Re: What does it take to become an “Insider” ?


allan wallace
Post count: 478

G’day Robbo! Hmmm, I have no idea what you’re talking about, and can assure you that you’re not the only one not feeling the love 😆 I’m an outsider, and haven’t been invited to join the inner sanctum either. I don’t expect to be invited either. Maybe it’s the cynic deep within, but whenever there’s overtures for a few shekels here, or a few drachma there, I’m very wary! Not to mention ever conscious of my penurious state it’s most unlikely that I’d be able to bribe my way into the league of the elitists even if I had the inclination! I don’t think that I’ll even bother hanging around here for too long quite frankly anyway…I suppose those that create this site have the prerogative to further their agenda, and if gleaning the impartation of their wisdom has a price tag attached to it then I’d prefer to just blunder along the same way that I’ve always just blundered along :D Good luck to them and the beancounters that they dance for…. 😆