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Re: What if it does not work?

Re: What if it does not work?2010-10-26T14:14:33+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am What if it does not work? Re: What if it does not work?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

People with ADD frequently beat themselves up with the “What if?” question, running through every possible scenario—most of them bad. Rick posted about this, in the “The Workplace” part of the Forum, in response to “In a spin” (http://totallyadd.com/forum/topic.php?id=434 ). His is the 4th posting in the thread.

I know it can be scary to face the question of whether or not you have this incurable (but very treatable) medical condition. But *what if* you get diagnosed, get on medication, and it changes your life for the better? Granted, finding the right med(s) and dosage(s) is a trial-and-error process, which can be frustrating…until you find the right ones, but when you do, it’s incredible!

Rick has described it as being like if you spent your whole life falling over things and thinking you were stupid and a hopeless klutz whom no-one would ever love…only to suddenly discover that it wasn’t you; it was that you happened to have one leg that was a few inches shorter than the other. Other people say it’s like going through life in a haze until you try on a pair of glasses and suddenly everything comes into focus.

Many of us have spent years being treated (with only slight success) for depression and/or anxiety or bipolar, before having an “aha!” moment that these are just symptoms of a lifetime struggling to function with undiagnosed ADHD. I am one of those people.

I’m still trying to find the right med(s) and behavioural adjustments, so I can make the best use of all the great aspects of having an ADHD brain, while minimizing the difficulties of it. But I am so glad I found out all my difficulties throughout life weren’t a case of my being “lazy, stupid, or crazy”, but of having a legitimate medical condition. Namely, a brain that works differently from most other people’s brains.

Medication won’t entirely solve the problems, but, for many of us, we need those meds in order to be able to properly implement the necessary behavioural changes. Since you’re having so much trouble with the necessary organizational structures to help your children, you probably need meds to help you too.

Medication is NOT a cop-out, or evil. If you had diabetes, you’d take insulin or Metformin to treat it, and nobody would blame you or say the drug companies were just trying to make money off treating your “imaginary” condition. ADHD is no different. It’s real. It exists. And, unless it’s properly treated, it is capable of causing a lifetime of problems.

You must get diagnosed and start treatment for yourself, in order to be able to help your children. The behavioural changes you learn about and implement to help yourself function better, will also help your children to function better. I’m seeing this myself, when I interact with my mom (who has ADD worse than mine) and a friend who has severe ADHD. It’s still a struggle, and I still get frustrated, but not nearly as much as before.