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Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?

Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?2011-01-16T21:32:09+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers What jobs have you enjoyed? Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?


Post count: 14413

I have the perfect job for my ADHD, Physiotharapist. I get to walk around 90% of the day and I get to talk all day. That being said… I hated my career choice for the first 15 years… now that I have been diagnosed and on meds and I have a wonderful boss… I LOVE my job. The part of my job that I have the most difficulty with is charting and that is for 2 reasons….1. I put it off and put it off 2. Then when I finally do get to it, I chat with all the nurses as I am charting which slows me down and causes ommisions :(

All in all it’s a great career for me!
