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Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?

Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?2011-01-17T01:31:26+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers What jobs have you enjoyed? Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?


Post count: 14413

The only job that I ever had that kept my attention for more than a year was Marine infantry. A 5 to 14 mile run and a couple of classes in the morning and jumping out of helicopters after lunch, almost every day was different. Now that I work for a corporation I make sure that I volunteer for multiple projects so I can bounce around without getting stuck on one project. So for the good part I’m always the go to guy at work because I can handle a thousand projects at once but the bad part is college isn’t set up like work so I don’t have a degree. Which means I have more responsibility than most people in management without the pay.